
November 2023 update: Somerston has submitted an outline planning application, reference number: 23/1163/OOU for up to 135 new homes, with at least 50% being affordable homes. You are invited to respond to Surrey Heath Borough Council’s statutory planning consultation.

The land at Grove End can deliver a sustainable development of up to 135 new homes, with a minimum of 50% affordable homes, to help Surrey Heath Borough Council deliver much needed housing. Our site provides an opportunity to deliver these highly sustainable homes within a high-quality landscaped setting.


Although the land is currently in the Green Belt, it is on the edge of Bagshot, very well connected to public transport and local services, as well as close to the M3. Not all of Surrey Heath’s housing can be accommodated within existing urban areas or on brownfield land, and Somerston believe that land at Grove End can deliver a valuable part of this growth in a sustainable and sensitive manner.

Public consultation event

In September 2022 we held a consultation event in the Three Mariners pub in Bagshot.

Thank you to everyone who came and gave us their feedback.


Illustrative masterplan (click for larger view)


Grove End is a landscape-led scheme with high quality areas of enhancements incorporated into the design.

This provides a range of informal and formal open spaces over and above what would normally be expected on a new housing development. It will offer residents spaces for recreation as well as creating an appropriate edge of settlement character.

Somerston trust that development sites offering to respect and diversify the landscape will be considered for allocation as part of Surrey Heath Borough Council’s ongoing Local Plan and Green Belt reviews.

This would allow for much needed affordable housing to be created, at the same time as protecting the high quality sites within the borough which should remain designated as Green Belt.

Our site makes little contribution to the purposes of the Green Belt:

  • Checking sprawl - it is a compact parcel of land, contained by strong boundaries defined by roads and a railway line. It would accommodate a compact development and relate well to Bagshot’s built-up area

  • Preventing merger of neighbouring towns - its well defined boundaries stop it from any meaningful separation role

  • Safeguarding countryside from encroachment - it doesn’t make a significant contribution to the countryside’s openness

  • Preserving the setting and special character of historic town - the site’s development is unlikely to have a significant impact on either Bagshot village, or Bagshot Park

Good practice is to review land in the Green Belt to ensure it is fulfilling its function. Bearing in mind the above considerations, it can be justified to release those areas that are not high quality, for much needed new homes.


Image of our vision

Image of our vision

The site has good access to a wide range of nearby transport routes and is located just over 1 km from the town centre. It is close to local schools, shops, sports facilities, the railway station and Frimley Park Hospital. Our plans will deliver new and improved pedestrian and cycling routes to these facilties linking up to existing network, encouraging sustainable travel.

Site access plan (click for larger view)

Set on the edge of Bagshot between Windlesham Golf Club, the A322 Bracknell Road and a mainline railway, the new community will be within walking distance of the village and amenities. It will have comprehensive landscaping and public open space incorporating two play areas.

Whilst the site is located within the Green Belt, it lies within a highly sustainable location. We do not believe that Surrey Heath’s housing targets can be accommodated within existing urban areas or previously developed land. Housing will therefore also need to be located on sites such as this, which are greenfield and sustainably located on the edge of settlement, to ensure that the borough can meet existing and future community needs, in a sustainable and sensitive manner.

Why here?

  • A compact site with defensible boundaries

  • On edge of settlement boundary

  • Homes here would not result in a merge with other settlements

  • Sustainable location

  • Mature landscaping

  • Homes here would not impact the historic part of Bagshot

Support new homes for Bagshot


Surrey is a notoriously expensive place to live. Figures from the ONS suggest the average house price in Surrey Heath has jumped 15% to £432,418 in the past five years, almost ten times the average annual salary.

We think it is important that new affordable homes are provided in Bagshot to ensure young families and those unable to afford market rates have a chance to get on the property ladder in the area that they call home. That is why we have submitted a planning application for the land at Grove End, Bagshot, a scheme which will deliver much needed affordable housing in a sustainable location. It has the potential to deliver at least 135 new homes, with a minimum of 50% of these being made available for rent or shared ownership.

If you support our plans for new homes and an improved access to Windlesham Golf Club, please let councillors know in the “Comments” section on the Council’s website.

About Somerston Development Projects

By listening to local communities, Somerston works on development projects where there is an opportunity to create places that will endure the test of time and thrive for generations to come. Developments where people aspire to live, work and play.

Somerston commits to sensitive developments, identifying what matters to local people, and seeks to engage with the community. Finding out what the issues are, whether it’s the type of housing, affordability, or open space and green infrastructure, Somerston seeks to deliver a scheme that best reflects the needs of the local area.

“Our vision for this site is to create a new, landscape-led, mixed use neighbourhood with a rural village feel.

It will incorporate affordable housing alongside a green development in a highly sustainable and appropriate edge of settlement location.

It will bring forward much needed affordable housing to the area - providing local homes for local people.

Somerston are seeking the Council's support in bringing forward this site to provide a range of benefits in meeting local authority targets.”